To become a Teaching Member of SASTAT, one must have successfully completed a three-year, full-time training at a training course approved by SASTAT Council with appropriate certification from that course.  Alternatively, one may be a teacher in good standing of a professional society of Alexander Technique teachers affiliated to SASTAT. Application for membership can be made to the SASTAT Council by writing to the Secretary at

In addition to Teaching Membership, a person who has been accepted by and is regularly attending a SASTAT approved Training Course must also be registered as a Student Member of SASTAT.

An Associate Member of SASTAT is someone who, in the opinion of the Council is in sympathy with the objects of the Society or engaged in work of interest to the Society. Associate Members are not teachers of the Alexander Technique and may not hold themselves out as such. SASTAT is also able to offer the title of Honorary Member to anyone who has performed notable service to the Society or to the Alexander Technique.